Embedded Analytics vs. Traditional BI: Choosing the Right Path for Your Data Needs 

Embedded Analytics vs Traditional BI
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Now more than ever, businesses are inundated with data, requiring robust tools for analysis, decision-making and driving growth. The landscape of data analytics is dominated by two models: Embedded Analytics and Traditional Business Intelligence (BI).  

Each offers distinct benefits and could be pivotal in leveraging data to drive business success.  

This whitepaper delves into these approaches, providing a comprehensive comparison to aid in selecting the optimal tool for your analytics needs. 

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What Is Traditional Business Intelligence (BI)?

Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) encompasses a suite of tools and processes developed over decades to analyze and present business data. It supports strategic decision-making through structured data extraction, analysis, and reporting. Traditionally, BI systems are standalone solutions requiring distinct operational efforts from the core business processes, often requiring specialized technical expertise for effective management and utilization. 

Key characteristics of traditional BI: 

  • Data silos: BI tools often operate independently from daily business operations, leading to data silos. 
  • Technical expertise: Primarily managed by IT professionals, necessitating a gap between data analysts and other business users. 
  • Limited sharing and collaboration: Challenges in sharing insights across the organization due to system isolation. 

What Is Embedded Analytics?

Embedded Analytics integrates analytics capabilities directly into business applications, enabling real-time data analysis and decision-making within the workflow. This approach aligns analytics with everyday business operations, enhancing accessibility and immediacy of insights. 

embedded analytics advantages for businesses

What Are the Benefits of Embedded Analytics?

Embedded analytics offers several advantages over Traditional BI, making it an attractive choice for organizations seeking dynamic and data-rich solutions: 

  • Enhanced user experience: Direct integration into applications improves efficiency and reduces the need for multiple tools. 
  • User empowerment: Facilitates self-service analytics, allowing non-technical users to make data-driven decisions without IT intervention, reducing bottlenecks. 
  • Consistent branding: Offers customizable interfaces that align with the application’s look and feel. 
  • Cost efficiency: Predictable pricing models and reduced infrastructure needs lower total cost of ownership. 
  • Agility and scalability: Quick deployment and easy adaptation to evolving business requirements, gaining a competitive advantage. 
reveal's bi ease of use features and functionalities

Comparative Analysis: Embedded Analytics vs. Traditional BI

Here’s a side-by-side comparison to help you make an informed choice: 


Key point Embedded Analytics Traditional BI Tool
Integration Seamless with business applications, minimizing workflow disruptions. Stand-alone, often causing workflow interruptions.
User Accessibility Designed for intuitive self-service, accessible to both technical and non-technical users. Typically requires specialized training for non-technical users.
Integration with Business Processes Seamlessly integrates with existing business applications, reducing workflow disruption. Often operates as a separate system, requiring users to switch between applications.
Customization and Flexibility Highly customizable to match the host application branding and user experience. Customization may be limited, and changes can be time-consuming.
Data Sharing and Collaboration Encourages real-time collaboration within the context of the host application. Collaboration may require switching to another system or exporting reports outside the BI system to share.
Cost and Resource Allocation Transparent pricing models with predictable costs, often eliminating the need for significant infrastructure investments. Costs may include per person software licenses, data storage and IT resources for maintenance.
Scalability Offers scalability without significant investments, allowing for quick adaptation to changing demands. Scalability may require additional hardware or resources leading to complexity and increased costs.
Access Control Provides role-bases access control to safeguard data and maintain compliance. Role-based access control is a standard feature for ensuring data security.

Now that you know the differences between these approaches, let’s uncover two solutions to meet your desired needs.

Extending Beyond Traditional BI with Slingshot

Slingshot revolutionizes the BI landscape by integrating analytics directly into your daily business tools. This integration ensures that data insights are always at your fingertips, enhancing decision-making processes and operational efficiency.

Imagine a world where your analytics are not just numbers on a screen but a fully integrated part of your daily business toolkit. Slingshot makes this a reality by embedding analytics directly into your operational tools, ensuring that data insights are accessible and an integral part of your decision-making process.

Consider the case of a mid-sized retail company facing the challenge of rapidly changing market trends. With Slingshot, they seamlessly integrated analytics into their inventory management system. Sales data, customer preferences, and supply chain logistics became instantly accessible, enabling them to make agile decisions.

But Slingshot’s capabilities continued beyond data integration. It also provided a collaborative platform where team members could discuss insights in real time, initiate actions, and manage projects directly from the analytics dashboard. This fostered a data-centric culture where every team member could contribute to decision-making and strategy execution. The result was not just optimized stock levels and reduced waste but a more cohesive team working synchronously to improve customer satisfaction. Slingshot didn’t just provide data; it transformed the company’s approach to business intelligence, making it a dynamic, real-time asset rather than a static, retrospective report.

Traditional BI example

Why Reveal for Embedded Analytics?  

Reveal stands at the forefront of embedded analytics, offering a solution that transcends traditional boundaries through its advanced embedded SDK. This embedded SDK technology surpasses the outdated iFrame integration methods, providing a robust, flexible, and secure analytics environment that is easy for everyone to use.  

Picture a financial services firm grappling with the need for real-time risk assessment. With Reveal’s embedded analytics, they integrated sophisticated risk analysis tools directly into their transaction processing systems. This integration enabled them to detect and mitigate risks instantaneously, safeguarding their operations and enhancing client trust. Reveal empowered them to not only react to risks but to anticipate and address them proactively, showcasing the power of embedded analytics in turning challenges into opportunities. 

By choosing Reveal, businesses can harness the full potential of their data, ensuring that analytics are not just an added feature but a core component of their operational ecosystem. This integration promises not just insights but a transformation in how businesses operate, making data-driven decisions the backbone of their success. 

embedded bi dashboard example

Conclusion: Embrace the Future of Analytics with Reveal 

The choice between embedded analytics and traditional BI hinges on your business’s specific needs for data accessibility, integration, and operational fluidity. Reveal stands out as a leader in the embedded analytics space, offering a solution that is not only technologically advanced but also user-centric and cost-effective. 

Explore Reveal today by requesting a demo or downloading our SDK. Join the global community of businesses that have leveraged the power of embedded analytics to achieve success.  

About the Author

Casey Ciniello

Casey Ciniello

Casey has a BA in mathematics and an MBA, bringing a data analytics and business perspective to Infragistics. Casey is the Product Manager for the Reveal Embedded analytics product and was instrumental in product development, market analysis and the product's go-to-market strategy. She’s been at Infragistics since 2013 and when she’s not in the office, she enjoys playing soccer and attending concerts.

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